There are no fake Korean cosmetics sent from Korea.
In Korea, people operate personal online shops like ebay and Qoo10 of Japan. Some of the questions that we have received were whether the product is genuine or not. As I was curious myself, I searched for fake products but I could not find them.
Korean people are impatient and try to find new things all the time. They get really upset if the product does not arrive the day after shopping online. (99% of the time the product arrives because the country is quite small.) Furthermore, they get frustrated if the food doesn’t come out within 10 minutes. Koreans are very impatient.
Also, although the renewal products are more expensive than previous products on sale, they are more likely to purchase the renewal products. Thus, as renewals occur a lot, the people who produce fake products have high risk of losing all their money. Furthermore, if products that come into contact with their bodies, such as food and cosmetics are manufactured in illegal methods, the manufacturer will not be able to live in Korea. ^^; As the law is very strict and the consumers share the information quickly through the Internet. In some ways, the information travels faster than light. ^^
Furthermore, they will not be able to run away. Korea is surrounded by 3 seas (East, West and South) and up North, there is North Korea with 1.1 million soldiers. Sometimes I hear about fake Korean cosmetics existing in some areas but it is not Korea but the products are manufactured in other Asia regions and being distributed in the respective markets.
I want to see it as well. ใ
Please visit our individual online shops. We are selling cosmetics products, such as skin care cleansing
and we are also selling other products such as female handbags and shoes. We will provide a lot of products in this website in the future as well.
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